تأسست مجموعة عبدالله الحملي وشركاه منذ أكثر من 40 عام وقد شكَّل العمل الجاد المتواصل والمعرفة المتعمقة بسوق العمل والتزامنا بإحداث فرق حقيقي وإضافة قيمة لعملائنا، أساس لتطورنا المستمر.
Al Hamli & Partners offers consulting services tailored to meet customer needs and set up the infrastructure to support the growth stages in the long-term expansion By following the best practices and international standards. We have a team of experienced consultants in all sectors. These services include:
الرياض – الأحساء – الدمام – جدة
تأسست مجموعة عبدالله الحملي وشركاه منذ أكثر من 40 عام وقد شكَّل العمل الجاد المتواصل والمعرفة المتعمقة بسوق العمل والتزامنا بإحداث فرق حقيقي وإضافة قيمة لعملائنا، أساس لتطورنا المستمر.
Riyadh – Al-Ahsa – Dammam – Jeddah
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MGI Worldwide is a network of independent audit, tax, accounting and consulting firms. MGI Worldwide does not provide any services and its member firms are not an international partnership. Each member firm is a separate entity and neither MGI Worldwide nor any member firm accepts responsibility for the activities, work, opinions or services of any other member firm. For more information visit www.mgiworld.com/legal